Where did the name come from?

Trevor published a book in 2014 – The Door to Claus North. The name comes from the surname of the two main Characters – Lucy and Millie Gumrot.

What are the statues made of?

The Statues are originally sculpted in Hard Chavant, oil based Clay or ‘Monster Clay’.  They are then encased In a silicone mold, and cast with a strong, polyurethane resin.

Is The Gumrot Workshop a 'one man company'?

Yes, Trevor is the sculptor and mold maker. The casting, sanding, painting and packaging is all part of the job. Occasionally his wife lends a hand!

Is Trevor self taught?

Yes, he is entirely self taught. After many years sitting on a fork lift, causing irreversible neck problems, he was determined to do something more rewarding and less painful.

Are the statues limited editions?

Yes. Although they are not always stated as limited editions, the original clay sculptures are nearly always destroyed or damaged in the process. The silicone molds only produce a certain amount of perfect casts before they become unusable so the statues really are all limited editions.

How long before I receive my first order?

Each statue is cast and painted to order, so please allow up to 14 days for delivery